How do I get my screenplay/script in front of the right eyes?

I'm finishing up on a movie script and realized that I'm not sure how to get it out there to investors, etc. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

In case it matters, the script is a combination between, Sunset Blvd, Original Great Gatsby, and Good Will Hunting (minus the Bostonian attitude).


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Screenwriting isn't a matter of just writing a script and sending it out to investors. Nine times out of ten, if you just send it out blindly to a studio or production company, or even just an agent, it will be thrown away without being read. It's a tough racket, not a matter of simply "Hey, I finished a script. Now who wants it?"

So. First thing's first. Get some honest feedback on your script. Don't show it to friends or family who will only placate you and pat you on the head and tell you "It's great!" because your friends and family aren't going to know the difference between a good script and a bad script. My advice: submit your script to a peer review site, such as They'll give you the cold, honest truth about your script, and that's what you need if you want to become a better writer. And you'll need thick skin; screenwriting isn't for the timid or easily off-put.

So. After you've received honest, constructive feedback, rewrite your script. As many times as it takes to make it the best you can possibly make it. Copyright it (either through the Writer's Guild or Library of Congress). Then, you write up a bunch of query letters (basically a letter asking for permission to send someone your script) and submit them to at least 10 or 15 agents at a time. Many of them will not respond. Forget about them and move on, and keep going until you get a "Yes, send us your screenplay." NOTE: Writing query letters is an art form in and of itself; bone up, 'cuz you're going to need to know how to write a good one.

If your script is good, eventually it will land in the hands of an agent who is willing to represent it, and THEY will try to sell it for you. Don't bother sending your script directly to a studio or production company -- unless you've queried them and they've given you permission to do so. But even that's not likely to happen, because the vast majority of studios and prodcos will not accept a screenplay unless it's through an agent.

If you're serious about screenwriting, you've got to learn the rules of the game. And realize it's a HIGHLY competitive field -- though most of the competition are those of the "Hey, I finished a script. Now who want's to buy it?" mentality.

Best of luck. Keep writing. :)