Why are repubs only trying to fund feel-good programs (vets, parks) and not something like IRS that actually?

actually brings in money to help with the budget? Just sayin.....


Happy to see so many answers resorting to I Hate IRS and You Are Stupid, when you hear that you know they have run out of rational answers.


Favorite Answer

It's a smoke screen designed to make Obama and the Democrats appear "guilty" of shutting down the government.
Unfortunately for them, most people see it as the desperate tactic it is.
Republicans are losing the battle. Public opinion is against them; heck even some Republicans in Congress are against them.


Feel good programs? Republicans? Are you stupid? It wasw OweBlamer that promised universal health care at low costs. The cost of which is many times what I was paying before. Then, The government had 3 years to prepare for implementation, and the servers crashed on day one!

Don't buy a pig in a poke, and certainly learn to think and observe the world around you free of prejudice.


Yeah, just can't wait to hear from my local agent, he has no humor, hates taxpayers and views everybody guilty of something sinister whether they have done anything or not. Just a bowl of cherries.
A link to agencies that are open for business. As you will notice, the IRS is also open for business, never get between a politician and the collection of money to waste.

durango joe2013-10-02T16:23:57Z

Actually from what I have heard and read they are trying to fund the entire government with the exception of Obama care.
They are sending the funding bills to the Senate piecemeal instead of one complete budget bill.
Harry Reid is objecting to this approach even though that is how the government has been funded more often than not while he has lead the Senate.


They will fund the IRS also. Just we need to either give everyone a waiver or no one a waiver.

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