I have a script that is undoubtedly the next winner.?

My fear after asking a previous moronic question is that my script may not go to the right studio or produce. Mainly my fear is because the movie itself is interactive with the audience, it breaks the fourth wall. Not physically, but in a more substantial way. Of which I can't say until I get everything copywriter or patented.

My question is, I want a lower end, high quality company to represent me so they will become huge. It's not about the money when it comes to who represents me, it's about a company who loves film and just hasn't had their break yet, or has had their break and understands what their Daniel Day-Lewis is.


I just re-read and see errors in my spelling or grammar…but understand that this inquiry is legitimate.


Favorite Answer

You need to get an Agent, they will help you do all that.
