Is Ted Cruz a Democratic sleeper agent?

If Ted Cruz didn’t exist, Democrats would have to invent him
By Ezra Klein, Published: October 16

"A true cynic about American politics would, at this point, be forced to one conclusion: Sen. Ted Cruz is a Democratic sleeper agent.

"It is tough to appreciate just how much good Ted Cruz has done the Democrats over these last few weeks.

- He convinced Republicans to shut down the government rather than wait and fight over the debt ceiling, where they would have had more -- and more dangerous -- leverage.

- He splintered the Republican Party such that, from day one, it was clear that the GOP leadership opposed the strategy they were executing, and GOP senators were publicly blasting House Republicans. That also cut the GOP's leverage.

- He made this a fight over defunding Obamacare, which polls showed was a wildly unpopular reason to shut down the government, and which united Democrats against him.

- He shut the government down on Oct. 1, the same day Obamacare began, thus distracting the American people from the law's catastrophic rollout.

- He drove the Republican Party to its lowest levels of popularity ever recorded in polls.

- He actually managed to make Obamacare more popular at a time when, by all rights, the law's extremely troubled launch should've been eroding its standing in the polls.

- The culmination of the strategy, today, is that Republicans are reopening the government and raising the debt ceiling in return for...nothing."


Uh, "Mike", I'm a Democrat who hates Cruz. You were fooled by the American flag.


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No that man is a tea partier a tea partier that got his butt kicked .today


I can see how a person that worries more about winning than our country like you could say that.
Obama care is a disaster.
Obama knows it so he gave everyone that has money to give Democrats an exemption even though they are the ones that campaigned for Obama Care and Obama.
It is not about health care. It was written by insurers for insurers. They get a guaranteed profit with no limitation on pricing. The more they spend on you the more they makes so soon they will want to provide your food for the 15% cut of that market.
Cruz knows that and he is trying to help you but you are too blind to see that.


No, all of our sleeper agents are born in America. They are handsome, articulate, debonair and intelligent. Cruz applied for the job 42 times but, was rejected.. 42 times.

McCain, Palin, Romney and now Cruz, thank you uncle Karl.


I do not think he is a sleeper agent.........not in a box, not with a fox, not in a house, not with a mouse, not on a train, not in the rain........I do not think Ted Cruz is a sleeper agent; but I do so like that he reads Green Eggs and Ham. His story selection highlights that anyone is capable of open-minded change.


ted kkkruz is a Joe McCarthy Klone... Created by Texas Big Oil..
Big Oil gave up on Rick Perry ,.. and cloned a new candidate..
They sent Perry back to Ni&&erhead Ranch.,.. with grandpaw.

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