Why did 144 House Republicans vote for the US to default on its debt?
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its clear most are retards from the south
Like our own Collins in WNY, they were sellouts from the beginning. They are mere puppets for big money. More than likely, they won only because their districts were rigged so that they would win. That, and the fact that they were supported by lots of money, thanks to our very own corrupt supreme court.
They do what they are told to do. They do not represent the American citizens.
Why are republicans so incredibly ignorant of these facts? Probably because they are tapped into the propaganda mill that's fed by the fox news tycoon rupert murcoch. Repub's get fed false news and they believe every bit of it. FYI: it's all about the ratings. Scandelous obama story = more viewers. It doesn't have to be true.
Because in 6 months we will be at the same point and a trillion dollars further in debt. The idea is to make meaningful cuts in government spending not keep depending on tax, spend and borrowing to keep afloat.
Do you think you could run any household or business like this?
All Congress has done is kick the can another 3 months. Why not resolve the issue instead? Dems know they can't win the debate on facts - so they just refuse to negotiate.
they were agreeing with obama:
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a Sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies"
Sen. obama 2006.
surely you are not upset with republican for following obamas leadership?