There is a man who strangely none can dispute, and he states that aging now ends, why can no one disprove him?
This man has websites wherein he actually prophesy the now news events we see each week, yet he posted them on his website now over four years ago! You cannot dispute such if he wrote it and posted it, and he says God has given him prophecy to show all he is sent John 13:20! He says science has proved God's mystery as prophesy Rev:10:7, and that Jesus brought him the code/key to end death and aging and sickness Rev:1:17-18 and 21:3-4! His websites at Adam and Eve in action blog, and on the main site at Adam and Eve seed gathering Ministry on the prophecy and the signs page and the about us page are undeniable proof... {here is his video at of Elijah paul Moses speaks on you tube }