where do I get a pistol permit (New York State)?

I live in the Bronx and am opening a retail shop in New Rochelle (Westchester County). I'd like to purchase a pistol for the shop.

Do I need to apply for a permit in the Bronx or in New Rochelle? I will be taking it home with me at night.


Favorite Answer

Why does anyone in the Bronx need a firearm? According to Mayor Bloomberg nobody needs a firearm. I live in Alaska and every day his ugly butt like face is on the news - telling Alaskans how bad our Alaska Senators are because they did not vote for his recent ban. In Alaska, we gots a grade school teacher who was run down by wolves and eaten alive. Last moth three different hunters were mauled by bears in three different attacks. Two miles from my house a guy came out in the morning to only find a bloody collar at the end of the chain where his dog used to be - killed and dragged off by wolves.

According to Mayor Bloomberg, he says NYC and the surrounding areas - like the Bronx - would be a garden of paradise - totally crime and hate free - if all the other states would stop smuggling guns into his beloved city and state.

If I have to listen to this BS on radio and tv in Alaska - sounds to me like you probably wont get a pistol permit!!

When I lived in Boston and Portland Maine - you were expected to apply in the town you had a residence in. Which was quite helpful since the police directly inside the city were not very helpful or willing to issue them........... but the smaller towns on the outskirts were usually OK.,

M J2013-10-21T06:26:04Z

Lotsa luck chuck. You will not be carrying your pistol home at night, legally anyway. According Mayor Naziberg you will be the problem.
I left NYC 34 years ago because the place was crime ridden and the only people with pistols were the F.... criminals. My family is LE and of little help in securing a concealed license after having my business robbed and employees stripped and locked in a back room. 3 Friggin times!!! Westchester county. So at the tender age of 24, I packed and moved to a state where the citizens actually exercise their God given constitutional rights. And shoot criminals stupid enough to pull that crap here. Good luck......................


You need to apply in the Bronx and you will not be bringing it home at night. Permits in NYC are for a fixed location and you cannot carry. You are probably better off buying a shotgun for your shop.


County of residence


You don't need a permit to use you constitutional right