why are movies getting more gorey & cursing?

What I mean, the movies being made are geared for killing.More blood & guts.& people want to know why people go off, & shoot others.Isn't this geared into the minds of people who watch such violence,on t.v. or go to the movies.& The language is aweful.
Can't these producers write more happy stuff,where we do not have to see nudity, foul language or gore?


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I know how you feel and it's sad how all these new movies and shows are. The language has gotten terrible. Words that would've been bleeped out ten or fifteen years ago are now common on tv. And don't forget sex... It seems that's all the new tv shows revolve around. Of course the producers could avoid those things, but I guess it all goes back to society and the fact that people watch stuff like that. It makes me sad...


its how the modern perception has changed.
years ago, those things were taboo. Clockwork Orange was banned for being way too violent, but nowadays, it seems tame compared to say Serbian Film.
people have gotten used to violence on TV and mo so in movies. Silence of the Lambs was considered violent, but is pretty tame now. Pulp Fiction was considered by many to be a very bad example and ultra violent, but only around 8 people died in the film, compared to Rambo killing over 200+ over 4 films.

but maybe thats also why. those films i mentioned are classics. people look to classics and try to emulate them. what is produced is violent gorefests.

i think in todays world, people would pay more to see action and killing than happy. and views will differ on nudity. some women accept it as art and beauty, while others see it as degrading.
and bad language will always stick around.

thats just my view on things.

Jake No Chat2013-10-21T14:12:49Z

I think you are right, and my best guess is that the movie makers are giving people what they want to see. Some people have been so saturated with graphic scenes, that it takes more powerful images to get their attention. Movie makers hear that and they are just trying to amp up the gore to satisfy potential viewers. It is business, nothing personal.


Its all abt the audience... They need action packed scenes, hot scenes, love making scenes, hardcore fight scenes, blood shots, romance, fun.. etc sum ppl are crazy..! But ths is for a particular audience ... The censor board is tired of giving U/A & A certificates for sure... Nothing can be done xpect the audience lik us shud stop watching these movies..


things change, people are more into violent and foul language shows because it's entertaining which i admit i am guilty of.

but yea i kinda see your point , it's not really good for the society specifically the younger generation.

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