why dont men drink wine?

i never see men drink it


Favorite Answer

I know a lot of men who drink wine. I live in wine country, the winemakers are predominantly men, sommeliers are mostly men, the gala events and who's who photos in the paper show men sipping wine. Maybe it's not a 20 year old's drink, but mid-20+ it is. Women love wine here too, but not the screw-top fizzy cheap kind.

Trivial One2013-10-23T07:04:53Z

Boys don't drink wine, but refined men do. You're just not hanging out with the right crowd.


Visit an upscale restaurant and you'll find many men drinking wine with their meals. After dinner, or in social situations, something stronger is customary.


Because men prefer beer and hard liquor!

Not really, but I'm sure older men drink it.


Men do drink wine but they prefer beer and hard liquor...

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