I caught my fiance emailing other women online and dating site continued...?

I am absolutely devistated. I am 14wks pregnant and we have a one year old together. He says he never actually cheated but he sent pictures of his penis to these girls and said some things that hurt me so bad. I feel like he cheated and I feel betrayed and decieved...I want to leave big I also don't cuz of the kids....we have been together five yrs. ....I'm so hurt :(....

Origanal post above...

This is the first time I ever caught him but it didn't supposedly stop til he got caught and I had to find out the truth by digging and getting phone records.....he wants to try to work it out but in my eyes once u lie to the mother of your child and the womam u supposedly love and talk and send pics to other womem.....that's wrong.....I can't do it. I need out....I just don't have the strength :'(


Even of he says he will change, he might might... for a few days. a few weeks or even a few months but he will do it. Don't stay because of the children, because you will just make yourself unhappy and it is only delaying something you will do eventually. He does not deserve you.


id leave, when someone shows you who they are believe them.
He may mature and grow up one day, but that day is not today. Accept him for who he is a "cheater." and unless you open to sharing your bf/husband for the rest of your life I would count cheating as a deal breaker and leave.


Sorry to hear this and I am afraid I do not think he will stop. Maybe for a few months if you're lucky.


all guys are pigs we all do it