Whats a good way to start an informational speech?

Like a couple sentences that can helpe introduce the topic of health care


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Here is a great informational speech for use in the United States.

You are free to use it at your leisure:

As far as I know, the Canadians and Brits pay less via taxes for health care and pharmaceuticals than we pay in the United States to private health insurance corporations, at least among those of us who have insurance. Millions of citizens do not have insurance because they cannot afford it, and consequently have little to no access to health care.

So-called Obamacare will not even come close to what our neighbors do for themselves at a lower cost, and was obviously a handout to fabulously wealthy health insurance corporations and their CEOs. We the people are to be forced by the Federal government to purchase from private corporations what we otherwise could get cheaper by a tax-funded system. The difference in cost is due to the massive leverage of a large customer base, i.e., the entire population purchasing pharmaceuticals and medical services.
Do you ever wonder why not every person or group buying from some particular health insurance corporation is not given exactly the same deal? Again, it is because of negotiations involving large customer base vs. single buyer or small customer base.

In the end, there is no standardization or guarantee that we will get what we pay for. Health insurance corporations are in business to make a profit, not to supply health care. There will be more start-up corporations advertising lowest rates once people feel compelled to purchase in order to avoid being fined. What buyers get for their money will vary from supplier to supplier, and in some cases they will find that the supplier does not pay on time or does not pay at all.

This is not a great social improvement on the part of the Democrats.

The GOP is even worse, but that does not mean we are not being robbed by Democrats and GOP alike:

We are taxed to pay for the health care options that the Congress extends to itself and to the President and Vice President. They never ask us how much we want to pay them. Instead they decide among themselves how much they want and tax us for it. Congress always includes a substantial amount in salary so members and their families can purchase the best health care insurance available.

This situation seems more like corruption to me. Congress and the Administration believe that elected officials--professional politicians whose only qualification is the ability to get elected--deserve the best health care taxpayers can afford, but they don”t seem to believe that the ordinary citizen deserves anything like that.

Universal health care in Canada:

Universal health care in the United Kingdom:

Health care in the Third World: