Has social media been hijacked by corporations?

I've noticed many suspicious questions and answers recently. I've also noticed some advertising for employment related to social media. This is especially apparent with the promotion of "low-carb" and Atkins diets.

Are people being hired and used extensively to promote the agenda of large corporations? Will Yahoo attempt to address this issue?


Favorite Answer

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.
"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization


Just wait until Obama fails miserably and we turn the college campuses into libertarian activists. Obama is 4 more years of Bush. He promises to escalate the War on Afghanistan, eliminate more civil liberties, and grow the government even more. When Obama term runs for re-election, he will have lost the youth vote to his opponent, Ron Paul. I hope you enjoy 2013 when we bring back the Cross of Gold (as the puritanical socialist William Jennings Bryan called the Gold Standard) and use it to restore our lost liberties.


no hijacking media is started by corporate to earn money and that is the thing corporate knows


What has'nt been hijacked by corporations, bro?

Bogus Diddley2013-11-02T14:03:32Z

Yes, you just don't know it yet!