Does it count as cutting myself if there's no blood?

I know it counts as self-harm because well, I'm harming myself (duh) by running some scissors down my arm, after an hour or so the marks are raised and usually scab over (like when you scratch yourself badly on something) but I'm not actually bleeding. Does this count as cutting if there's no running blood?


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doing anything to cause yourself pain on purpose does count as self harm, but in all honesty you really shouldn't do stuff like that!! i did in the past and it really doesn't solve anything. if you are doing this because you have depression or just feel the need to cut, i'd suggest getting help, you are so much better than that :)


Why does it matter, you are intentionally hurting yourself so yes it is self harm.


This is very foolish to do, however the answer to your question is yes as you are still destroying and putting your skin through pain, so yes it does...


Stop being emo.