now that obamacare is imploding, why dont senators and congress people own up to what they voted for.?

this is why people don't trust government. Obama gave a lame apology, then went on to blame us for not understanding how complicated buying insurance can be....amazing. These idiots have no idea how insurance works, yet they want to take it over. We the people created our government, lets not let this batch of arrogant fools dictate our with discretion.....please.


Favorite Answer

The PPACA is not imploding.
"why dont senators and congress people own up to what they voted for"
You must be one of those ignorant conservatives I keep reading about. All of the democrats voted for the PPACA, and all of the conservatives voted against it. Not only did people "own up", they're proud of their votes. Your team lost, and America won.


The arrogant fools are the Republicans in Congress doing everything possible to kill the bill. People that appose the ACA are going to end up costing themselves a lot of pain in the wallet. The model has already proven to work. It is working in Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, New York and Kenntucky. The CONservatives create self inflicted and uneccessarily higher premiums on all of us by not opting in. The law will be successful in spite of them but in the mean time you are shooting yourself in the foot by NOT telling your CONservative CONgressmen to fix it and stop trying to kill it. Conservative Republican supporters may be sorry they decided to try to dismantel it when it begins to hit them in the pocketbook. They may start to wonder why their leaders didn't take advantage and accept billions of dollars of essentially free money from the federal government in order to expand Medicaid


They will have to - or become EX congressmen! Some of them already seem to understand that concept!


The Republicans warned you thats all i have to say


how can anyone defend this liar and this fiasco.......It only works in states where people wanted it