is it scary to fly on a plane?

im gonna fly to florida soon and i have never been on a plane in my life. im scared of flying on a plane because of 9/11.


Favorite Answer

Most flyers have a bit of anxiety about and/or when flying As has been said before though, you are safer flying than riding in a car on the freeway. It is perfectly normal to be a little afraid, just don't let it paralyze you. 9/11 was an awful thing, but that is not usually what happens when you fly. It's just the opposite and you will more than likely arrive safely at your destination. Here is an interesting article that may be helpful to you.


9/11 happened ONCE. Thousands of people fly every day without problems. I love it, but then I've been doing it for 40 years, first when I was 8 to go on a family vacation, and then it was a new adventure. I still think it is and love having a window seat to see what's going on. Security procedures are annoying but that keeps us all safe, and they get made better all the time.

Think of it as an exciting rollercoaster ride. It certainly feels like that when the plane is doing its take-off run! If you haven't flown before, there will be bumps and noises that sound alarming but they're all normal.

As previous answers have said, airlines take safety so seriously that it is statistically safer to fly than be in a car. There are so many car crashes that they aren't news any more. Air crashes make the news because they're very rare and more people get hurt at one time. Look around you on the flight - would all the other passengers be there if they thought it was dangerous?


haha no planes are perfectly safe. the scary part is customs haha just kidding. although in all seriousness try not to joke around or say the words 9/11, bomb, terrorist, kill or any of that kind of stuff, people start to flip out. when you're on a plane try chewing gum it helps with your ears (they pop a little and you get a small headache, But don't worry its not bad at all its super super super minor you won't even notice it) it's actually really fun being on a plane you get to look out the window and see clouds and citys from high up :)

your gonna be fine :) have a nice trip.


Quick fact.
You're more likely to die on an escalator than you are to fly in a plane.
That says enough.
I know you asking if it's scary(which it's not) but since you implied that 9/11 happen, that most likely means you're scared of death.

Roger K2013-11-18T20:38:57Z

There has not been any crash related fatality on a <<US>> based carrier in MORE than 4 1/2 years.

There has not been any fatality because of a terrorist event on any US airliner since 9/11.

Try to NOT give in to the pointless fears and anxiety that all kinds of media seem to like to promote.

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