Isn't Ameriplan Insurance The Same Scam as Obama Care/Affordable Health?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?
Armchair Goddess #1
Favorite Answer
Before babbling gobbledygook, you should do some legitimate research.
So you think it is a "scam" that the 1300 for-profit (greed-driven) insurance companies now have to spend at least 80% of every dollar you (or your employer) pays in premiums on you---on providing real medical care for you, or else REFUND THE DIFFERENCE to you? This is a consumer-serving requirement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its supplemental Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, a.k.a., the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care. Tell us, please do...Just exactly how is it a "scam" to make sure people get what their premium dollars pay for or else they now get some of that hard-earned money back---all thanks to the Affordable Care Act!?
How is it a "scam" that preventive care must now be provided free of charge---no co-pays? Or that hospital records across the nation are now being computerized to eliminate medical errors or costly duplications of tests and procedures, thus lowering long-term costs for hospital administrations, the 1300 insurers, and the consumers since these savings are passed down?
Every single electronic device you use, including your TV, your phone, and your computer emits a traceable signal. Cell phones have a built-in Global Positioning System (GPS), and so do many cars these days, so you now trying to claim that your "identifying information" is somehow in jeopardy is rather ridiculous. If you use facebook, utube, google, or even Yahoo!Answers (which you obviously do), your paranoia about signing up at or by calling 1-800-318-2596 to get subsidies or expanded Medicaid if your income falls below 400% above the poverty line and to choose from hundreds of affordable policies is laughable.
Reforms for the out-of-control corrupt and greedy insurance industry is NOT A SCAM, and this is what the Affordable Care Act is all about. Check it out.
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RE Isn't Ameriplan Insurance The Same Scam as Obama Care/Affordable Health?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?
If Ameriplan is listed on your state's exchange or the federal exchange it is not a scam.
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i would be careful and not use the internet to get insurance