I feel stupid in college?

I feel stupid in college. Growing up I was always told that I was intelligent and I believed so myself. I was a straight A student with honor classes and even now in college I’m still in honors. BUT, I feel stupid! My intended major is psychology yet I’m not doing as good as I thought I would in the class (Psychology 101). The first exam I took I earned a 70%, second exam 78%, and the last exam (which I took today) I earned a 78%. There are other students in class who have gotten A’s in all tests and here I am with psychology as my major and doing very poorly. I’m started to think that I really am stupid or maybe have ADHD. The thing is that I don’t know what else to major in. I really would like to become a psychologist for adolescents and children. Did you ever go through something like this with your major? Did you feel stupid in college?




Favorite Answer

I feel the same way right now, I'm in high school but, I'm dual enrolled so that I take college classes (I actually have psychology too) and my regular honors and AP high school classes. I was always "gifted" or "AIG" and now I'm just..... average. I hate the feeling. You're not stupid. Don't constantly compare yourself to your classmates, you're different people with different skill sets and doing so will only make you feel bad. A teacher told us (my class) one day that "there will always be someone prettier, someone smarter etc." he wasn't being mean, but he was telling the truth. So we can't always be the smartest or the best but, as long as you're putting in 110% you'll get the results you want.

Good luck in Psychology


When I was in high school I easily got straight A's. My first paper I ever did in college I got my first C in my entire life. That was a wake-up call. The next time I did a paper, I really tried to find specific examples to justify my answers and cited all my sources.

The thing with college grades is that it REALLY depends on the professor. There isn't a single standard that all profs follow. One professor might be really lax and give out easy A's and another might literally NEVER give out A's as a matter of principle or something.

I would suggest the following:
1) Talk to the students who ARE doing well, ask if you can form a study group or take a look at their previous assignments and compare them to yours to see what they did that you did not do. It may have to do with your writing style.

2) Talk to the professor if you feel comfortable approaching them. All professors have regular office hours and every major has an office related to those professors who can set up an appointment for you. Bring your homework with you and go over it with them for pointers on how you can improve.

3) Talk to a student adviser. If your major doesn't have advisers specifically for Psych, your college should at least have some form of peer-to-peer tutoring on things like writing a good essay or taking effective class notes.


First off, give your self a credit for the high gpa in high school. so what you scored lower than expected in SAT? I hear there are controversies that SAT is not all accurate to measure intelligence. It's only one bad test. The other person is right. Forget the past look to the present. Spend less time worrying and spend more time on figuring out solution. If you don't trust yourself then no one will.


what college do you go to? I need to find one that does it by first come first serve. I cannot get a class because of the overcrowding for anatomy and physiology. please help! I tried to answer on your other question, but it would not let me. sorry!


Hand me the sun2013-11-25T18:20:58Z

I found the more I studied, the better I felt.