Any mad scientists around? Which minion would you rather have?

1. A loyal and yielding minion who was not quite competent?

Extremely loyal, patient and tolerant to mistreatment. S/he will do anything you want to the best of his/her abilities. Which are, unfortunately often insufficient. You keep him/her around because nobody else is willing to be so obedient, and because s/he works for peanuts.

2. A very competent minion who was very stubborn and/or opinionated?

S/he's an expert at what s/he does, but s/he's also very hard to work with. S/he loves his/her job but doesn't quite tolerate your presence, and will often drop subtle but not at all flattering hints. You keep him/her around because you won't find someone so good for so cheap.

3. An unreliable, batshit-insane minion who is even crazier than you?

S/he's both very loyal and very good at what s/he does, but unlike the other two it's very hard to reason with this freak. When s/he gets carried away by something, s/he tends to further it until it no longer makes sense to you, often with disastrous results. You keep him/her because you recognize the genius beneath the madman.

4. A muse?

Unlike the other three, the sole true purpose of this person is to be your inspiration and companion. S/he may be more expensive to keep than all the other three combined, but you like to be around this person, you feel motivated, rejuvenated and much more creative. If only s/he reciprocated your affection...

BQ: Any extra requisites that your minion should meet? (And that won't contradict your choice).

Bradley P2013-11-27T16:02:26Z

Favorite Answer

If I could only pick one? I would most likely pick 4, of your choices, and regret it some days. :)

Ideally though, I'd have one each of 1, 3, and 4. Number 1, would be my personal assistant and occasional Friend With Benefits, Number 3 would be my co-worker and lab assistant (who doesn't know about the other two), while Number 4 would be the Muse and Occasional Reality Check.

I wouldn't want 2 around just because the last thing I need is to be insulted over the Mad Scientist business--no matter how good she is at what she does, she's going to be in my face with the "Really? You're going to take over the world with mind-controlled toy-toys that were once women? Again? Dude, seriously?" line every time. And I get it that it's sexist so yeah, I'll skip the reminder-slash-broken-record.

Heh. This reminds me too much of my attempts at a love life on this for you. ;)


I want a guy with a hump and a real bad limp.


I'd rather have all kind of minions like despicable me. lol They're so cute.