couples: how often should the guy pick up the tab?
I am curious if I am in the majority in thinking the man should pay (not all the time) but more around the lines of like one out of every 3-4 dates?
We met when he had a job, he got laid off and I moved him into my house for over a year when he was laid off without ever bugging him to go job search or pay into the rent/mortgage.
Fast forward another year and he's now working full time and now makes more than I do and contributes but still has this mentality that any and everything should be 50/50.. which is what we agreed on when he had unemployemnt.. but now I feel like we are just roommates sometimes b/c he never offers to pick up the tab or bring flowers home or anything special for me now that he has the means to do so. I have stopped feeling like a "couple". I do little things for him often like bake cookies and things for him to bring to work etc. Am I in the wrong for thinking this? I dont know how to bring it up to him without feeling like I am being selfish??