couples: how often should the guy pick up the tab?

I am curious if I am in the majority in thinking the man should pay (not all the time) but more around the lines of like one out of every 3-4 dates?

We met when he had a job, he got laid off and I moved him into my house for over a year when he was laid off without ever bugging him to go job search or pay into the rent/mortgage.
Fast forward another year and he's now working full time and now makes more than I do and contributes but still has this mentality that any and everything should be 50/50.. which is what we agreed on when he had unemployemnt.. but now I feel like we are just roommates sometimes b/c he never offers to pick up the tab or bring flowers home or anything special for me now that he has the means to do so. I have stopped feeling like a "couple". I do little things for him often like bake cookies and things for him to bring to work etc. Am I in the wrong for thinking this? I dont know how to bring it up to him without feeling like I am being selfish??


I think you need to remind him that you supported him for a year and that it's not right to keep expecting you to always share 50/50 if he considers you more than just a roommate. Real men hwo take a woman out to date on dinners and such usually pay the tab. f a woman wants to go out bad enough somewhere, then it's okay if she volunteers to pay the tab, but otherwise the guy is expected to be the gentleman and pay.


Talk him about the situation.. He should spoil you a little bit since you support him the whole time he was without a job..