Tell me a short biography about yourself?

Include anything you want...


Favorite Answer

i was so so ugly that everyone died... end...


American. Female. Mixed (Black/Mexican). 18. 19 in 5 days. In a relationship for a little over a year. Never been to a wedding. Never been the party type of person. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.

Hot Butt Juice2014-01-12T17:35:03Z

18. Edgy as a mofo. Culturally Ignorant except for what I see on youtube's homepage and tv commercials on the rare occassions I actually watch it. artistic. ex hardcore gamer. internet sucks nowadays. britney spears is the only pop music I like. thumbs down if yur mad B). Honest biography.


Um They Call My Penis Eight Mile When I Go See The Bitchez At The Club. They Find It Sexy That I'm Exotic Desert Wildlife.


I'm 69 years old. Even a short bio would be to long for this forum. It's been an interesting life.

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