Why do the criminals in this country have more rights than the law biding citizens?

Criminals that commit crimes get rewarded instead of punished. They get free room and board, free food, free medical, free toiletries and toilet paper, free legal services, free tvs, ac ,church services, bibles, free clothes, protection,free education, and they can say or do whatever they want without fear of retaliation, free meds even for aids, and free housing with no taxes.
Law biding citizens have to pay for everything. Housing ,food, clothes, education, medical, transportation, gasoline, monthly bills, and taxes. We don't get anything for free.
It seems to me that the messages being sent out are completely backwards and it makes people not have any respect for the laws of this land.


My point is not that criminals have a great lifestyle, the point is that it makes me angry that the government rewards criminals instead of punishment. The prisons in other countries are totally different than in this country.
I think that when a person is convicted of a crime especially of crimes such as rape, or murder, that they should be stripped of all their rights and made to have to work for everything and not be given anything for free. Taxpayers are footing the bill for criminals and we don't have any choice in the matter.


Don't forget the free sex they get anytime they want, whether they want it or not. And all the free strip searches. Being told what to do and when to do it. And they don't have to go to the store to get tampons for the wife when she runs out.

If you think this is the lap of luxury, by all means, go ahead and do what you need to do to get sent to prison. I'm sure you will love it a lot in there. Meanwhile, I'll be safe in my warm, comfy bed, I'll drive my nice car, listen to what I want, talk to whoever I want when I want, go to a movie when I want, eat nice food at a nice restaurant, and make sweet, passionate monkey love to my girlfriend all night long, without having anything shoved up any part of me that is an exit only orifice.

Patrick B2014-01-15T18:38:32Z

The other posters have done a good job of point out the ridiculousness of your point, so I'll take a different approach.

Room and board includes Housing, food, and toiletries, so you were being redundant. It shows a weakness in an argument when you have to artificially inflate your talking points.


That's crap. They have the SAME rights.

I dare you to provide proof of any criminal being rewarded.

The room and board, etc. is not free. They are required to work. And they have limited freedom and they have to be around a bunch of not nice people. I doubt you would be willing to give up your freedom for a life of danger where you work for minimum wage, have no freedom, have no privacy, and can't do what you want to do. Not to mention not being able to be with your friends and family. Or being able to go online and post idiot troll questions.

You sound like the same kind of idiot who insists the slaves didn't have it so bad.

If you think it's so great, go commit a crime. And when you are behind bars, tell us how wonderful life is.


Tell that to the prisoners of Sheriff Joe Arpiao of Arizona. The county prisoners wear pink uniforms, live in tents outside in the desert, eat mush for meals, and work on chain gangs all day cleaning ditches and working on roads. No tv, none of the things you describe.

Libraryanna, in my state, Oregon, the county prisoners are Not required to work. They do have all the benefits the person posting this describe. You are 100% wrong if you think Oregon requires county prisoners to work or deny them education and medical benefits.


people are easier to control and manipulate by there inequities plus really who are the real criminals there are people who i consider dangerous criminals that people see as good those violating my rights and that caused certain things to happen by using there power and money are criminal s worse then the drug dealers prostitutes and those who harmed my family and those that know better but hurt others any way those are criminals by allowing people to get away with certain things basic human rights issues just helps facilitate the general attitude that any boundary can be broken ....so much for any civility or human rights

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