Accounting Entry for Log & Stationery Designing ?

Dear all,
I have serched on the net but i could not find anything. Please help me to these accounting enteries for the following. What will be the accounting entry for:

a) Logo Design for new company.
b) Stationery Design for new company eg. Letter head, Vouchers, Invoices, etc.
c) Printing of stationery for new company ist. time.

c) New logo design for existing company (Company has changed its old logo).
d) Stationery design for existing company with new logo eg. designing of letterheads, envelopes, vouchers etc. with new logo.
e) Printing of this existing company stationery with new logo ist. time.

I will highly appreciate for your help.

Thanks & best withes.


Favorite Answer

For my business, I would put the design tasks into Marketing, but the actual printing of stationery I would count as Office Supplies. If there is an additional one-time charge for creating the template for stationery, I would pull out that cost as part of Marketing, and just the regular printing as Office Supplies.


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