Do you think Patches brought me to see him?

I had a funeral yesterday for my dog Patches. After that, I waited to receive her remains in an urn. So I decided to walk around the cemetery to see how people memorialized their beloved pets. I came across a head marker saying 'Diesel', a dog I used to know back in the 1990's. I was roommates with him and his owner, Wendy. So, my question is, has Patches already made a friend in "Rainbow Bridge" and did she bring me see and to pay my respects to Diesel?


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Well, I'm not the kind of person to have to do with the supernatural, but, I have to say, do think so also. Patches must've wanted you to see Diesel. Maybe to let you know he's okay up there? Maybe.

I'm sorry for your dog! <3


I doubt your dog died so you could pay respects to a friend's dog that passed away years ago.

You both just chose the same pet cemetery to intern your animals at.

I am so sorry for your loss though. I am sure that Diesel did appreciate you remembering him - if one knows such things on the other side!


You may never know, but certainly believe the thought. It may be idyllic, but if it helps you heal through your loss (I empathize) then believe some connections are never lost or dismissed. I'm sorry for the situation.


lol are you 12