How can I get the absolute cheapest business class flight to India?

I am going to Chennai India within the next month. I am not a fan of flying, and considering the distance of the flight, I would prefer a class which would give me a bed so I can sleep my way through as much of the flight as possible. Which booking website, or travel agency will have, or negotiate the absolute cheapest flight to Chennai India?


Favorite Answer

You don't haggle for airplane tickets as you would when buying a car. Ticket prices are listed at a price and that is the price you pay. Also know that business class tickets are not going to be cheap and normally airlines do not have a fare sale on business class tickets. You can check out

Roger K2014-01-22T13:33:25Z

Where are you traveling FROM?

You will not find much difference from one site to another. Some airlines will have lower prices than others, but anything other than economy will be very expensive in comparison to an economy ticket.

The site I usually use is, but there are dozens that you can use.


where from ?

why don't you just check the web sites of the airlines that fly from wherever you are and check their business fare ?