New Pope and his popularity?

In scripture here is a few to consider and wonder if this pope is really for the Lord, reaction and responses welcome

Jhn 15:19
“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Luk 6:26

Woe to youfn when allfn men speak well of you,
For so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Jam 4:4

Adulterers andfn adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Jhn 7:7

“The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.

The world loves this pope is this a contradiction?


Favorite Answer

Most important, I do not judge the Pope, The Almighty does. He does not represent me, he declares to be "the Vicar of Christ" here on Earth. The word vicar, is understood as "in lieu", "in place" "as...", and - in my humble opinion (I am not a scholar in any way), that is a blasphemy. Who can replace Yeshua as His Vicar?
Furthermore, the only one to say something similar to this was His arch enemy:

[Isaiah 14:13-14' 13 "And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL MAKE MYSELF LIKE THE MOST HIGH."

He - personally - might be a humble Man, and I do not judge him, yet he represents an institution bent on representing the Almighty on Earth, that it is filled with the blood of innocent people - like Tyndale and others - burnt solely for attempting to translate the Word of God. Hardly a godly institution...

You judge for yourself. Be free in the knowledge of Truth, "for you will know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."


So everyone thought the last pope was a d*ck and so that would make him (Benedict) a saint. . .
If the "world" loves him it because of the good people of the world seeing the good in him.


In the Scriptures Peter to allow any special expressions of reverence to be bestowed on him. (Acts 10:25, 26) What about Jesus? He said that he came to serve others, not to be served. (Matthew 20:28) By contrast, what record do the popes have? Do they shun prominence, refuse grand titles, and avoid ostentatious displays of wealth and power?

What about the teachings of the popes? How do they compare with the teachings of Peter and Christ? Peter did not believe that all good people go to heaven. With reference to good King David, he plainly said: “David did not ascend to the heavens.” (Acts 2:34) Nor did Peter teach that infants should be baptized. Rather, he taught that baptism is a step that a believer takes conscientiously.—1 Peter 3:21.

Jesus taught that none of his disciples should try to be more prominent than any other. “If anyone wants to be first,” Jesus said, “he must be last of all and minister of all.” (Mark 9:35) Shortly before his death, Jesus gave this clear directive to his followers: “Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.” (Matthew 23:1, 8-10) Do you feel that the popes have upheld the teachings of Peter and Christ?

The Truth Is Hard To Bare Sometimes Isn't It?


the pope live up to the teachings of his boss, Jesus. He is the servant of the servants of God.


What's a pope?

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