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Pope Benedict XVI considers sex an expression of love?

Pope Benedict XVI has said: "sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalisation of sexuality" where sexuality is no longer an expression of love, "but only a sort of drug that people administer to themselves".

Where in scripture can we find a verse or statement supporting the phrase that sexuality is “an expression of love”?

I was quite surprised reading this, since I’ve always understood that any religion is promoting celibacy, which includes sex within marriage for the purpose of procreation.

It seems to me that the Church, instead of taking to self-rectification after all the recent scandals, is (dangerously) compromising its values in order to regain popularity.

No offenses please.

Update 2:

@Skeptik; Indeed the meaning of these songs and prayers are well covered...they actually prove the opposite of the said statement.

Update 3:


Yes, these days, "sex between spouses is highly favored" but is this in agreement with scriptures?

"AND natural family planning is taught AND encouraged", indeed, within the boundaries of celibacy. Whether this is feasible or not, that's another thing but this is the rule and the pope seems to compromise on it now instead of clarifying it.

Update 4:

@Skeptik II;

That the expression of love between the soul and God, as demonstrated by Solomon, can only manifest after the soul has brought its material senses, including the sex urge, under full control.

11 Answers

  • Gaura
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did pope read bhagavad gita as it is 7.11

    I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O lord of the Bharatas [Arjuna].


    The strong man's strength should be applied to protect the weak, not for personal aggression. Similarly, sex life, according to religious principles (dharma), should be for the propagation of children, not otherwise. The responsibility of parents is then to make their offspring Krsna conscious.

    Please chant HARE KRISHNA and be happy.

    hare krishna hare krishna

    krishna krishna hare hare

    hare rama hare rama

    rama rama hare hare

  • 1 decade ago

    well i only know JP2 and benedict so.... sex has ALWAYS been for the expression of love between a husband and wife. back in the old days - before people were always able to comprehend the full scope of things due to lack of education, i'm sure it was explained that sex was for procreation - remember people didn't talk about premarital sex like it's wild fire chatted about today.

    seems to me that you, really didn't know much about the Catholic church other than what was assumed or told by uneducated people. you might want to look a little further and see that sex between spouses is highly favored AND natural family planning is taught AND encouraged with spouses to help maintain a healthy family.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Wow bigot or what there has been no accusation suspicion or even a hint that Pope Benedict is/was a sexual predator. If you bothered to do any research you would discover that Pope B wasn't as effective as he needed to be in dealing with the financial mis dealing in the Vatican bank. FYI I am not a Catholic and I disagree with most of their teaching but it is unhelpful to continue the lie that all/most priests are sexual predators. Sadly sexual predators are in every culture and profession. Children and parents need to be aware of there vulnerability

  • 1 decade ago

    Pope Benedict XVI has spoken the truth at last, I salute his honesty and courage. The fact remains that we are all into this earth normally through this expression of love. Please do not go by what the scriptures say, because the scriptures were never written by God, they were inspired by God to show us the way through God's representatives, who had a free will and hence they used it along with God's inspiration. If any of you may be interested in the best interpretation of the 'Revelations' as given in the Holy Bible, please read a short interpretation by the Guru of Paramhansa Yogananda, the revered Swami Sri Yukteshwar Giri in his booklet named 'The Holy Science' and you will be amazed to understand the true meaning of the scriptures.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sex is the natural urge in all living beings.By keeping it private and special, it had the status and power of a calming energy. Now by making it very mundane,we have lost the serenity that resulted from sex.This is so because the modern definition of sex does not always pre-suppose love. Nor is it the natural culmination of genuine love felt between two persons. Anything that is private should remaiin so to sustain its nobility.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try Song of Solomon. Or parts of Psalms.

    It's pretty well covered.


    >> @Skeptik; Indeed the meaning of these songs and prayers are well covered...they actually prove the opposite of the said statement.

    Sorry, I don't follow. Do you mean that they say that love should be irrelevant to sex? Or that sex should be irrelevant to love?

    Because I don't find either of those positions in the books mentioned.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not in Scripture, and like many things out of the infallible great one's mouth, it's based on nothing. This is spoken by a man who has never had sex, supposedly. Or, isn't currently at the very least.

  • Greg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You think the pope said that to be popular? Erm, okay.

    Sex ought to be an expression of love, and not just something to do to entertain yourself and pass the time. Do you really need a Bible verse to believe his point?

    Anyway, I remember reading his comments recently that you quoted, and I liked what he said. I think it's true. And I also think what he said is not a way to make himself "popular." I can't believe you think that, that's crazy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a libido. When my wife says, I've got headache," I grit my teeth and bear it. I want to satisfy my urge, but I want to do it with the one I love.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's funny, i thought popes didn't have sex, what would he

    know lol. Or do they, hmmm, anyways and sex is only for

    reproduction, that's it!!! people these days just think it's fun

    and ''cool'' and do it just for mere sexual satisfaction...

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