Any vitamins good for sinus infections?

That cause my nose to be raw and painful. It hurts to blow nose and there is blood sometimes when I blow my nose. Going to the doctor does not seem to help. Saline does not solve it either, am putting a prescription salve Mupirocin Ointment 2% in my nose, but can only use it twice a day since it causes your nose to run and is a little embarrassingng to use in public. I put neosporin and it soothes it but does not heal it. Someone suggested acidophilius but it is really for something else.
My nose has dead skin sometimes and it can look like my nose is running when it is not.
Have used a humidifier also, this happens evert year. Any vitamins or suggestions?
Also throat is getting sore here lately and voice is a little hoarse at times.


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I strongly believe its vitamin C. Continue using the humidifier