Xbox 360 disc tray problems?

Sometimes it opens fine, and other times I literally have to prize it open with something. Any one know why this is happening? Its an Xbox Arcade, I've had it since it first came out. Its like my baby, because I've had it that long. :D


Favorite Answer

it's dirt dust and grim on the cogs, belts and pullies. Give it a good clean out.


its probably the front cover of the xbox. its easy to take off but i would recommend looking at a youtube video on how to do it. then put it back in and if its not that then you might want to replace it unless you can deal the problem


I have fixed quite a few sticky drives by replacing the black rubber band inside the disc drive.


Take the front piece off and stick your finger or a butter knife underneath but not to hard then push the eject button, I have the same Xbox and same problem


"Pry" and this is a common issue, replace the drive but know what you are doing BEFORE you attempt the fix. tons of vids and walkthroughs on how to fix it on youtube.