What is the name of this fabric print?

I am trying to remember the name of print on fabric that grandmothers may have favored. Some have tiny pictures of children, out side Sean's of 50's or 60's autos with people out side doing gardening etc...

The pictures were small and many all over the fabric. I can't remember the name of the print. It is usually off white with black print, or off white with blue print. Some also had horse and buggy, people on tractors etc...

I used to know the name of this but can't remember. Some of the older generation used it for curtains. Thanks.


The tiny pictures were like sketching s.


Favorite Answer

Are you thinking of toile de jouy prints? https://www.google.com/search?q=toile+de+jouy&num=20&client=firefox-a&hs=2tN&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Pw_mUrClFMiEogTYnoKoDA&ved=0CDMQsAQ&biw=1196&bih=675

(thanks, but give me a good paisley or geometric)


Muslin, cotton or any natural fibre fabric work best, but polyesters and synthetics are OK, too. Old clothing, curtains, pillow cases, sheets, are great for this project.Cut the fabric two inches larger than that printing surface. For instance, if you are using a piece of plate glass that measures 8" x 10", cut your fabric into 10" x 12" squares. Also, for multi-printing, cut fabric squares two inches larger than the size of your cardboard that you will be using to make a printing plate.

