Should Scottish expats have a say in the referendum ?

I think all Scots should he a say in whether the country stays or leaves the union.

David GH UK2014-01-27T07:23:28Z

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I think it would be a good idea,but they are only allowing voting from those resident and on the voting list in Scotland. It seems this is going for legal judgement. I presume from a Scottish court ?

When you think about its hard to see how this could be arranged ? They could be thousands of people who were born in Scotland,both in other parts of the UK as well as all over the world. If you could produce a birth certificate that showed Scots birth something might able to be done,depending what the court says ?

Salmond will counter that Scots long away will have no knowledge of the present position.


it may be ideal but is it feasible .. how to identify scots oversea they are britishers .. unless they apply for registration first


I wish I had , but it would probably be beyond the brains of the Electoral Commission to arrange it.