Parents won't let me express myself?

I'm going to be 17 in May and my parents keep telling me how to live. Like I know they want what's best for their son but they don't know what I want for myself. How can I ever be independent if I can't even look the way I want to? I go to school with messy, dirty looking hair (I wash it, I just make it look that way) and they hate it. But it's part of my style. And style is important to a teenager. Even in adults it's important. I just wish they would let me do my own thing and be myself.


just sit down and have a decent conversation with them explain your almost adult and that you're not a baby anymore and you're growing up remember to not raise your voice or get defensive. explain to them that style doesnt effect personality and that no matter how you look is still the same person.
be nice and try to get them to understand that you think its attractive in your own way and it might be different from their ideas but that's the new things.
good luck