Is Angry Horse an Atheist?
I see that your perfectly reasonable question "two questions for atheists" has been reported before I'd finished answering it. This is my answer, anyway:
1) A lot of people who have been very talented inventors, artists, musicians, writers etc have also been a bit nutty in other ways. Some of the greatest composers, artists, writers etc have also been quite anti semitic, or have other odd beliefs. Being able to invent something, or do something that requires great skill doesn't mean that people with dotty religious beliefs are excluded. Talent has little to do with religious belief, on the whole. A lot of people don't like Harry Potter etc. They're entitled to their opinion, provided they don't start burning books or saying that books are evil etc. When people start banning books, it is a slippery slide to more serious acts of violence or abuse towards other groups of people. Hitler burned books.
2). What to really think of the bible. Well, it's a collection of very, very old texts, written by lots of different people, at different periods of time. Their target audience were largely uneducated, couldn't read or write themselves, and were very superstitious, because people didn't know any better at that time, and were only trying to make sense out of the world they lived in, and events that to them were inexplicable. Disease for example. We know what causes most diseases today. But they didn't then. So disease was either an act of god, or someone had put a spell on you, or it was demons, or you'd broken some religious rule.
Some people really need religion in their lives, and there's no doubt that it has and still does fulfil all sorts of social functions. But it is all invented by man. We are fallible creatures who don't always get it right. So different religious texts, different ideas about whether there's a god or gods or not, and the nature of these entities. Different ideas about the nature of god, whether gods are nasty, vengeful creatures, or kindly, loving entities. In some countries and times, gods can be all of these things. The people who liked to speculate or 'invent' these creatures liked to cover all bases. Religion is mostly about controlling people, telling them how to live their lives, what to do, who to obey, who to fight etc.