Does this person has the right to be offended?

Does anyone knows what is a game called cards against humanity? If you don't, please research that before answering this question. In a game of cards against humanity, a friend one mine basically finish the sentence "Yeah I killed _______ , how you ask? With an ______." with "The Jews" and "A M16 rifle". An acquaintance found it so amusing that it took a picture of the cards and posted on Facebook.

Long time after, this same acquaintance got extremely offended when I remembered a joke that I did with one of my friends. I said to this friend of mine that he was "so German that it could be in a SS recruitment flyer." This acquaintance said it was extremely racist and made a long speech about how jokes like that are detrimental to society. She was offended because she had German ancestry.

I first felt bad about it but then I started getting little puzzled. Isn't weird someone that does not mind a joke about killing Jewish people but it is super-sensible with jokes about Germany?


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The fact that she got so offended because of the German joke, but not offended at all at the Jew joke makes me question her be quite honest.


Tell her to stop being a hypocrite if she really believes this she would not think the jew joke was acceptable but not the German joke.