I have diabetes and I cant find anything I really like to eat . What do you suggest?

Yes I was a food connoisseur
ate exotic foods went out all over had fun Those were the days my friend
No Lousy Diabetic Foods HELP

John W2014-02-02T21:57:43Z

Favorite Answer

The diabetic diet is a myth. No food is barred from a diabetic but a diabetic should manage the carbohydrates in their meals.

A lot depends on the treatment.

A diabetic not on meal time bolus insulin ( type r or rapid acting ), can spread out their carbs by dividing the meals into more frequent but smaller meals and by selecting lower glycemic index alternatives.

A diabetic on meal time bolus insulin must have their meals match their insulin shots. They will usually count the carbs in the meal to calculate the dose but if their glucose is low after the meal, they may have to remember to reduce their shot when they next eat the same meal or select lower glycemic index alternatives. If they are high on glucose after the meals, they may have to increase their insulin the next time they eat the same meal, spread out the insulin over more than one shot to broaden the window ( easy if on the pump ) or try to fit the carbs into a tighter window by selecting carbs that are faster.

A diabetic on two shots a day of mixed insulin must keep their meals very consistent.

Overall, the meals should be nutritious and not exceed the amount of carbs or calories for your weight.

Gary B2014-02-02T16:46:06Z

Yep. Those WERE the days. In fact, "luxurious living" is the base cause of the world-wide increase in diabetes over the last years, and that trend continues to rise as counties like China become more prosperous and spend more money on TOO MUCH food.

You'll notice, too, how many Highly Ranked Chefs are overweight, and many of them are now battling diabetes. Paula Dean's plight has severely affected her shows and her career. Graham Elliot (Master Chef) and Mario Batali (Iron Chef) have know health problem from obesity, Dom Deluis, well know comedic actor and chef, died from complications of diabetes, and Chef Ming Tsai, who is not himself ill but is well aware of health problems due to eating, works with diabetes organizations to develop more healthy recipes, and with groups like the Boston Celtics for more public awareness of diabetes.

My wife has done a WONDERFUL job of simply watching the Food Network and The Cooking Channel and picking up ideas for recipes that include more vegetables, more proteins, and more aromatics (like celery, fennel, basil, tarragon, and onion) to produce meals that are tasty, filling, yet low in carb. We both have succeeded in losing almost 75 pounds (total, together) in less than 6 months.

The secret is to PREPARE YOUR OWN FOODS, and stop eating out. Use idea from any cookbook you can find. There are MANY Diabetic Cooks Books where the basic recipes can be "jazzed up" giving a serious boost to taste without a serious boost in calories.


Not all gourmet food is high in carbohydrates. You just have to know your food. I continue to eat very well (maybe too well) and am able to keep my blood glucose in control. I just tend to eat only one or two forkful of the starchy carb sides (just to be able to taste them), order foods that are not covered in sauces (I've always been suspicious of too much sauce, like, what are they trying to mask with all this rich sauce stuff??). And if I do eat more carbs then my normal, then I just tuck in an extra 30 mins of walking or dancing or go home and vaccum and mop all the floors to work off those excess carbs. I don't even know what "diabetic food" is--I know my sister seems to like giving me sugar-free candy for Christmas (and I just thank her, go home, and toss it in compost and hope the stuff doesn't kill off all the worms and stuff that break down compost). I prefer to have good self control over myself, to have a very small slice of real sugar cake when I really really want some (which isn't often) rather than some sugar-free substitute. I have familized mysefl with the general carb load of basic food so I can make a fair estimate of how many carbs dishes will lay on me and I then adjust how much I'll eat accordingly. I usually eat low carb but I'll give myself some leeway when a special occasion comes up or we go out to some restaurant known for some food that turns out to be high in carbs (I'm not much fo sweet foods so won't go for something like a dessert fest); I just get back to eating sanely after my indulgence and maybe get a little more exercise.


Myth: People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.

Fact: A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is generally the same as a healthy diet for anyone – low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Diabetic and "dietetic" foods generally offer no special benefit. Most of them still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive and can also have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.


Watch the carb and sugar content it's been said to stay to around 40-45 grams. At 70 I have congestive heart failure, COPD and Diabetes I don't watch what I eat and use insulin to stay with in reason. They get mad at me but at my age one of them will get me besides I've done what I set out do. So I eat good and what lose a few years of life big deal.

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