Who will win the Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate on Feb. 4, 2014?


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You will actually see examples of critical thinking during this debate. What used to be science has now been taken over by politics. And nobody dares to question it. You have truth by consensus (backed up by disappearing grant money if you do not go along).

Let's have more debates! And as the hippies used to say:
Question authority.


If I was a betting man, and I am, I would handicap it like this:
Nye has scientific evidence and a TV presence to present it but I fear he is outclassed by the stage performance skills of Ham. Ham does not need, indeed does not have, credible scientific facts to be convincing. This is what he does. he is an expert at deception.
He is on home turf
I give him the edge.
A ten dollar bet on Nye gets you 15


You could just say "who will win the Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate today?" Anyway, I think Bill Nye will; he has actual evidence to substantiate his claims.

Innocent Victim2014-02-04T09:59:39Z

It's really quite irrelevant who wins. What matters in science is evidence, not debate - and the evidence shows that Ken Ham is completely wrong.


In debate, it's a skill to convince people of completely untrue things. Debate itself requires a large skill-set that I worry Bill Nye doesn't have. In short, they are likely to be playing two very different games together, so we'll see what happens.

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