Which Title Do You Like Best?

I am almost done writing my book!

The book has a very eerie and dark atmosphere and I want the title to reflect that. The main character (Tamsyn) begins as very sweet person but by the end of the book she is deranged and twisted.

The general plot of the book is about Tamsyn's journey into joining a dark coven of witches and how the Black Magic takes over. It is also about the war between witches & vampires, as well as the history of witches & vampires. Before you panic, the vampires in my novel are not brooding heartthrobs; they are hideous and sadistic monsters. I have done tons of research to make my vampires and witches true to the original legends.

Here are my title ideas, but they all seem too immature.
1. Welcome To The Land Of The Crazy
2. Such A Beautiful Massacre
3. Drowning In Death
4. The River In Reverse

Which is your favourite? Do you have other suggestions for a title?


Favorite Answer

My fave is drowning in death
Here are some suggestions...
Going dark
Turning evil
Black hearted
What happened
No more sweetness
Little miss evil
Switching sides
Devil inside


The river in reverse sounds interesting.
Definiteky nkt the first titls
You coukd also use something about cauldrons or blood in your title like that that can incorporate bkth witches and vampires
Think of it thisvway.
"What is the totle tnatbwould draw my attention to this book?"


How about "The Market for This Concept is Oversaturated?"