Any reloaders find their brass does not polish well in cold weather?

I'm using corn cob media, no polish and it's been 10 degrees F or less the last two days the tumbler has been going. For a typical 3 hour run the brass comes out bright and shiny. This time it's clean but more of a matte finish. 9mm, 38 special and 357 magnum brass.

Should I tumble it longer, add some polish? Curious what other guys have tried.

kill ur trump2014-02-11T03:14:45Z

Favorite Answer

i use electrosonic. i don't have that problem. i always use to use polish in my media never had a problem then either.


I live in Alaska - I have set my tumbler on the front porch at -45F and had the cases come out fine.

Sounds like your media is old and worn out, or, you could have debris like sand or dirt mixed in - or too many cases. Dump your media into a screen and let all the small particles fall out. The put some in the palm of your hand and push them around really hard. If the media doesnt hurt - it's all rounded like little balls - it could be old. And if you get all this nasty black stuff - it could be dirty.

Dont bother cleaning and washing your media unless the stores are out and you have no choice.. Most of the green or red rouge - the the crap that comes off the brass - the stuff floats and makes a huge mess.


My polisher is in the basement where it is around 60 degrees. The polisher is filled with a mixture of walnut shells and corn cob and my brass comes out looking just fine.

For gungey BP brass, an overnight soak in water and Lemi-Shine gets them clean with a matte finish. or CAS competition or for general range use I just let them dry and load up. If memory serves, I believe the Lemi-Shine idea was Cane Toad's.

Jin Hayashi2014-02-11T05:05:29Z

Temperature shouldnt affect it

Try changing the media and adding some new polish


IMO, if the carbon is gone, the 'shininess' doesn't matter at all.

But I use an ultrasonic cleaner, and in an temperature controlled environment, so I've never had that problem.

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