Should a professional woman date a blue collar guy?

I'm professional, fancy grad degree, career woman, etc. I met a handsome cook working behind the counter at a restaurant. I asked one of his coworkers about him out of curiosity and they went over to the guy and told him I was interested. I don't usually give my number to strangers.

He has called several times since then. He seems to be into me so here's the question: Do people still think a professional woman dating a cook is dating down?

His coworkers say he's single. I don't get why he wants to take me out on Saturday night (he's off Sunday) but not Friday night (Valentine's day). Is this an example of a 9 to 5er not fitting into a blue collar guy's life?



Favorite Answer

you should follow your heart not worry about what they do
if you want an example my son is a builder/electrician and his wife is an MBA with a daughter


No! I would give him a chance! Don't judge a book by its cover! I'm be the is really nice and if not at lest you tried. Plus the men don't always have to bring in the big income in a relationship. Follow your heart over your head and take risk and trust that your heart is leading you the right way!


If you dont mind the difference in income, in case it were to become serious, then go for it.


that shouldn't matter

Cristy V.2014-02-14T04:01:45Z

what? that shouldn't matter