can't submit answers to yahoo answers?

for some reason, the submit button isn't working. whenever i try to click the submit button after answering a question, it just doesn't work. it's lighting up and whatnot when i click submit, so something is supposed to happen, but nothing does. it's been like this since yahoo answers changed. does anyone know how to fix this? i'm sure it's obvious, but i'm kinda computer stupid, so please help me out?


Favorite Answer

Well -something- works, because your profile shows 6 answers in the past day.

But yeah sometimes it's very weird.

However for me at least it has never actually totally completely failed.

First though I *ALWAYS* do a right-click, select all, copy, *JUST* in case it fails. I always expect it to but it never does.

...sometimes I get border/title stuff at the top, nav links down the left side, ads down the right side, and the whole middle of the screen is blank.

...sometimes I get a small 'swirly' image in the center of that blank area, meaning 'I'm working on it - I'll get back to you RSN.'

...a couple of times (very very few) I've gotten a totally empty blank white screen.

I wait a half minute or so, hit F5 or CTRL-R to reload, and voila, there's the Q and my A. I do another reload and it's still there.

Another thing is that *EVERY* time I hit the Submit button, it *NEVER* (ever) works on the first try. The screen 'jumps' a bit, but it doesn't do anything. I hit the Submit again and then it works. That's an HTML or CSS or JS or browser incompatibility issue.

So, somewhere servers are confused and overworked. The server that accepts the answer passes info on to the database. It waits for a response.... and waits........

...if the server that you were talking with gets interrupted or tired of waiting it drops you and moves on to some other task, and you get the 'infinite swirly' or a blank screen, because the browser software has gotten no more 'information' to put on the screen and doesn't know how to ask for more.

...if the server gets an 'odd' response from the database that's when it might give the 'some screen stuff but no Q/A in it' response.

Yeah I know I'm anthropomorphizing. :) But, trust me, computers aren't all pure digital black/white zeroes and ones - there's a *LOT* or grey/unknown area.

For example, let's say a Q changes from Open to Voting even as you're trying to answer it. That's a grey area because the server you're talking with isn't 'allowed' to submit a new answer.

Or maybe the OP is editing the Q. The Q may be in a kind of limbo state where it exists but isn't 'answerable' for some technical/programming reason.

There are too many possibilities to guess more.

If you're getting too many instances of -totally- not working, then immediately write down the exact *TIME* that it happened, and get a copy/paste of the URL of the Q you were answering, and send it tech support. By the time they get 3 or 4 'problems' from you they'll start looking into it.

Oh here's an AWESOME example of a glitch! Summary: This Q with NO 'voted' answers got a 'voters choice,' totally blank, and it was, this is a copy/paste: 'answered 4 decades ago.' Actually there were voted answers, they all just say '0' -now-. Here's what I posted to Bugs: and here's the Q/A

EDIT: I just got an error I think I've never seen before, immediately after I submitted an answer: 'Failed to get data from server.' That may be a 'better response' from a server that has lost connection with another server instead of the blank screen. This one displayed the Q but not my A. Again though I hit CTRL-R and it then displayed the answer. So, the A wasn't lost completely, just some confused servers.

Also interesting, the Submit button -worked- on the first try!!!


happened to me as well
solution seems stupid but worked for me
after typing the answer if submit button does not work, just refresh you page and click submit again
don't know why but my answers almost always get submitted after i refresh my page two to three times
hope this helped


I had the same problem and it's now fixed. Try this
Click the "Get Started" button


It happened to me too. You have to join the answers network first.


I can't submit answers either. The submit button is there, but nothing happens when I click. Have tried waiting and tried reloading the page, but no :(

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