ProLifers: How would you solve the population problem since abortion is "murder"?

The U.N.'s projection for the planet is 9.6 billion by 2050. In the U.S. the population is expected to rise to 438 million (mostly dark-skinned) people.

What is the REAL problem with abortion? Is it lack of eduction? Not the best birth control? Too many people having sexual relations out of wedlock?

Be honest now.


Your question is how would you solve the population problem since abortion is murder. I hate the fact some narrow minded people think abortion is murder. No murder is killing a human being, not a fetus. Both in the uk and USA it is legal therefore not murder and anyone that thinks it is, is deluded and stupid! Yeh there's a lot of people around and in the next decade will rise due to being naive. The real problem with abortion is the people that make it a issue and hate campaign against it. You want loads of kids from kids and broken homes over population and forcing the governments to spend more tax payers money, no thanks. Each to their own and I've had an abortion, I'm no murderer and will not be charged with murder, put in prison or go to hell whatever anyone's views are, abortion will always be legal. The law does not follow the 'bible' and would never prompt people not to use condoms like Catholics do resulting in more births and will never make abortion illegal because god said so, it's a human choice and right, no the views of misguided morons

☦ICXCNIKA ☦2014-02-20T12:40:33Z

The problem with abortion is the fact- in my view once an egg and a sperm meet the result is a human and to intentionally destroy that is killing a person.
As for the issue of over population- on the issue of birth control I have no problems with people using methods that prevent fertilization.
Also looking at the fact some of the more economically have declining populations perhaps economic growth will help the issue as people will then expect their kids to live to adulthood.


The population will take care of itself; always has, always will.

In 1918, how many people died of the Spanish flu? 40 million.

How many people died during WWII? 70 million -- at that's just a loose estimate.

In the Boxing Day tsunami, how many people died? 250,000.

In the earthquake in Japan a couple years ago, how many people died? 36,000.

How about in Chile? Or Haiti? Or Italy? Some big earthquakes in the last six or so years?

But your contention that "abortion will save the planet?" That's just dumb.

If you have to ask what's wrong with sucking your baby out of your womb with a vacuum cleaner, pouring acid on your baby's head, taking pills that cause her body to break apart so she can more easily pass through your body and then thrown in a furnace or a dumpster, or allowing her to be born and then severing her brain stem with a pair of scissors while she screams and writhes in pain, if you have to ask why there's something wrong with allowing the nurse to take your newborn baby and put her in a cold room on a cold table and leaving her there until he dies from exposure, then the one with issues is you.

And by the way, what's up with the "mostly dark skinned people" comment? Out of the mouth proceeds the matters of the heart. That's what came out of your mouth. Why???


Overpopulation is a myth, since more than 150,000 people die every single day.

I would also never trust anything the UN says. I trust in the sovereign grace of God, not sinful man.

Even if the world was overpopulated, you don't murder people to solve the problem, that is depraved.

Abortion is not birth control, it is murder.


Evil and wars have always solved the population problem. Sin kills and it always will. As sin increases in this world today, you will see quickly 1/3 of the human population eliminated.

When the restraining influence of God is removed from this world, you will have a world not worth living in.

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