im nearly on my die date pls help?

hi guys im a first time mom here, im nearly on my due date yhis comming march 11,. Im so nervous, excited and confuse I dont know what kind of pain or the contraction em I gonna feel.. sometimes I felt like my time hurts wherein I feel like vommiting and sore tummy and feel likw doing a poo ( sorry for the word) but it makes me cry all night coz im too scared I dont know what to sdo..

hope any mom here or midwife can help me..and gve me some advice


As penny pincher said, prenatal classes. Sign up now. They wil explain everything and walk you through what will happen in every situation and what to expect.
Stop stressing so much over it. Your body is made to do this. You will be surprised on how calm you may actually be when the time comes. Just remember you are in control, you can choose to freak out and make it harder and scarier for yourself or you can stay calm and collected and know you can do this. If it truly was that bad all women would have 0-1 child.


Have you taken prenatal classes? They would have told you what to do. I surely hope you have been practicing and prepared yourself. Regular practice gives you confidence that you can handle labor. I have had four natural births and actually enjoyed my births, but I practiced daily for a couple of months in advance. Not practicing is like setting a wedding date and then not ordering a cake or buying a dress.