Is a stubble beard sexy or does it look too messy and unclean?

I've been sporting a stubble beard for the past few days but at work one of my lady friends comes to me and says "you need to shave. You have such a cute face but that hair just makes it look bad" what did I do? I went home and shaved it. Does it really look messy and bad?

Sur La Mer2014-03-01T06:00:42Z

Favorite Answer

Guys with stubble are either sexy already or just don't have time to groom themselves are able to rock that style! You could tell, because they dressed nicely, they smell CLEAN, and they are confident.
Keith Urban, Ryan Seacrest, Zac Effron, my oldest son are guys who are & who can.

Homeless guys who are grungy and smell bad, dressed like they live on the streets (you know who they are), unemployed & unclean with stubble ARE NOT.

Do you see the difference?


It depends if you can pull if off really. I mean the picture of the guy someone posted a few minutes ago is soo hot, but it also depends on the girl. Some find it really attractive and some don't tend to like stubble beards. If you take care of it and you don't look like a hobo with one then yeh it's sexy


Depends on your facial structure. A masculine face with strong cheekbones and jaw/chin would be much more defined with a small amount of evenly-grown stubble.
But it also does create an overall messy, laid-back aesthetic.


I'm a child but I prefer men (not for dating but when I look at people) with it nice and shaven but still visible like u shave it but u can still see so yah

Gabby Castillo2014-03-01T06:30:42Z

I personally LOVE facial hair on a guy. I find it really sexy. It really just depends on the person you're asking and their personal preferences though.

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