Movie Fight: James Bond vs Batman?

James Bond (Daniel Craig): gadgets, sports cars, and the sexy ladies

Batman (Christian Bale): utility belt, the Bat-Mobile, and Batman has Robin

Bonus fight: Mary Lou (Prom Night 2 + 3) vs Dante (The Devil May Cry)

Mr Monster2014-03-04T13:22:20Z

Favorite Answer

Batman and Dante


Why is this a question? Batman.

You mentioned gadgets, sports cars, and the sexy ladies for bond. What you forgot is that batman has all of those plus what you listed.

Date any day of the week.


Batman. Batman has a "chess player mentality". Before he confronts a foe, he always thinks about their potential actions and possible moves and is always 4 moves ahead of them. It is also documented in the dcu that Bruce has a 191 IQ. Even without his utility belt, he would slaughter bond. Bruce is one of the 3 top fighters in the world.


Hahaha Batsmon, BF it would go to Dante! Slice that up!


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