Why does the U.S. continue to be the main food supplier to North Korea?


@No Hogwash- there are no US military bases in North Korea.

Sir Studley Smugley2014-03-03T10:49:51Z

Favorite Answer

There would be even more people starving there than there already are. There was a satellite photo of the Korean peninsula in the news section on the past weekend. N Korea is almost completely dark, while the countries around it are lit up like Christmas trees.

As long as the N Koreans have that little lunatic as their dictator, things aren't going to change. We're probably not getting the full story of how bad things are over there.


Food = Military bases over there.

Americans are starving too:


Time to look after your own, there is a 90yr old lady that needs a hot meal cooked that lives near you! Are up for the task?

I meant: "Bases over there" as in S.Korea. Think of it, Feed the enemy then you dont have to worry about your bases on the border or in the neighboring country. Those N,Koreans wont do crap, they are a bag of hot air!


My guess is money from the export. Money talks.

Jay L2014-03-03T18:01:10Z

because we do not want people to starve