Days fans - I'm having a hard time believing that after everything Brady has?

been through with Kristen, he's too stupid to listen to someone like Daniel, trying to warn him about Theresa. He knows she is bad news, but chooses to get involved anyway? I think Brady must actually have a self-destruct wish or something. Thoughts? Please no spoilers. Thanks.


I'm referring to him telling Theresa, "I make up my own mind about people." Seriously?


I'm referring to him telling Theresa, "I make up my own mind about people." Seriously?


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You can say THAT again!!!!!

I am really sick of this same old storyline with him. Are there no GOOD women available in Salem these days?! Kristen does Eric and Brady goes back to drugs/self destructive behaviour. What new low can he hit when Theresa screws him over? I fear the worst is yet to come and honestly I have no interest in watching it. I miss good and happy Brady. I miss humble Brady. Will he ever return?!


Its hard to watch Brady as a person who has everything but yet he decides to waste his life away ... you get tired of him when things don't go his way he takes to the bottle and drugs now he has Theresa, what a piece of work she is ..... now he will have his hands full when Kristen returns this Summer .... now that wasn't a spoiler it's soap news.

Kitty 22014-03-08T09:09:33Z

In my opinion he likes how Theresa is and likes to get high. He is going down a dangerous path with her. Maybe John can knock some sense into Brady.


Brady is an addict. I think Theresa is too. Addicts tend to self-destruct.

They are not aware2014-03-08T09:06:01Z

I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday during those scenes. Sure Brady can make his own mind up about people but it is the coke addled regions of his mind that makes the decision it seems.

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