Why does my flash player not work?

I've tried to use numerous programs (games) and I receive a message; Adobe Flash Player out of date.
I try to play Farmville2, in Facebook, and a message instructs me to down load an updated Adobe Flash Player version. I go onto the Adobe Flash Player site, to down load an updated version and receive this message; Flash Player is integrated with Internet Explorer in Windows 8. You do not need to install Flash Player.
I feel like I'm in an endless loop with no way out or solution and I still can't play the games I love.
I bought a new laptop and never had this problem with my 2009 desktop.
I could just use my old desktop and drop kick this new laptop but then I've just wasted over $800.
I feel this new laptop is my Achilles Heel and am extremely frustrated with it.
Is there a solution?


Favorite Answer

Use Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. It has its own up-to-date version of Flash Player built in.
