And by broke I mean really broke. He says he can't afford to take a woman to dinner. He lives with roommates and rides a bike because he had to sell his car, and he's in school working on a second career. He's also in his late 30s. I'm in my 30s, too, but a little better off than this guy. Other than that he seems to be a nice guy. Should I give him a chance or kick him to the curb for being broke?
Favorite Answer
Nice, but broke. It would be useful to you to know how he spent his 20's and 30's. This is the time of rapid advancement for most guys. I mean there's a difference between being in prison for 13 years...and traveling the world with a hitchhiker's thumb for the wonderful adventure of it. You need more information. He may be a very dear and decent guy for whom money means very little...or he could have hidden problems that explain being 39 and riding a bike.
I really want to have a guy's back and tell you to give him a chance. That being said, this guy needs to get his life in order before he starts dating again. Kudos to him for trying to go to school and better himself. He needs to get a job where he has spare money first. There is an old saying that romance without finance is a nuisance.
should at least give him a shot if he seems like a great guy. You don't got to marry him right off the bat, but test the waters and see how it goes. If you like to have money spent on you tho and like going out or whatever than yeah you shouldn't waste your time cause you'll be dismissive and regretful anyway.
I worked my a** off to pur myself through uni and got my career. I understand he may not have a lot of money but surely he can do soemthing nice for a girl he likes. My opinion... If a man has no car, no job or no phone - he aint worth it. You gotta have all 3 to get with me.