Chances of getting pregnant? (Mature question only)?
Ok so me and my boyfriend were fooling around and he wasnt fingering me. He ejaculated and then touched me down there again. When he ejaculated he did on his hands and i dont remember if he wiped it off or not. What are the chances of me getting pregnant from that? This is a totally 100% real question. I'm kind of scared. Cuz ive heard that even a little thing of sperm can travel inside of you. Please Help :(
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I would say you are most likely NOT pregnant.. Once sperm hits air, it dies. There is probably a 1-5% chance you would be pregnant but I wouldn't be too worried
chances are you're not pregnant considering it takes a little bit of tjrustie for the sperm to actually reach the egg because they can only swim so far. if you're that worried about it you can always go to Planned Parenthood and get a morning after pill.
ask him if he wiped it off, if he's your boyfriend you should be able to talk about these things. If he did you should have nothing to worry about as sperm dies when it is not kept at body temperature