social security requesting info about a second 1099 for domestic partner's health plan?
Social security administration just send 15 pages to me and they wants answers. IRS is required to send them proof of income though I;ve been totally disabled sicne 1/1/ 1996 on social security disavbiltiy and medicare. I've had a legal domestic partnership since 2006,, and each year, a second 1099 is sent to me in my name, which I was told must be reported as income on my federal tax return. It started as a bit over $4000 reported on that second 1099 for 2006,. and now is closer to 7 Gs for 2013. Social security wants proof that that second 1099 is for domestic partner's health plan... I pay for it as a deduction each month from my pension as a retired NYC teacher. Even though I must play for it each month, somehow it counts as income on my tax return, so I;ve been told. So I file it as income, though I've not worked a day since 1992, in reality. Can anyone give advice as to what to say to social securty on these forms, and they claim need proof via a breakdown, which is too confusing to me. I've been on total social security disability since 1/1/1996 officially...Oh, I called the Reired teacher's division of the united Federation of teachers, who referred me to the NY C teachers retirement system, whoi referred me back to the UFT. I am getting a super runaround.
We are legal domestic partners, but not married. I was a NYC teacher, and now get a small pension from the time I had spent in that horror show. So I get 1099d from that. Then, I receive a second 1099 for the value the NYC teachers retirement system says my domesticated partner's health plan is worth minus, i think.