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Should Obama consider the Republican plan to put our social security entitlements into the stock market?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, for about two seconds. If Bush's idea had succeeded, people would have lost 40-50% of their contributions by now. Social Security was put it place to assist those whose retirement schemes, investments and/or businesses failed during the 1929 Market Crash, which seems to be happening again. Besides, nothing prevents people from putting money in the market now, if they want - we don't need the government's permission.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's funny. I'm assuming you are talking about all the extra money we've been paying into the social security trust fund. Good luck finding that money. Its gone, spent by our trust worthy politicians.

    You'd be better off it all of it had been put in the market in 2007. Even with the market where it is today you'd have at least something. Now you have nothing but an IOU. This is too funny.

    Just hide and watch. The Baby boomers started retiring this year, the fall in the stock market isn't unrelated. Just wait more are going to retire and start drawing social security next year. And where is that money going to come from?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That may be what is going on. It's about the only thing that would make any sense. I know I'm going to get hammered for being a loon but consider this scenario.

    Drive it down as low as you can with all kinds of crazy stuff

    Move the Social Security trust fund into the market after you depress it

    Release the pressure on the market and let it grow

    Basically you steal all of the money in IRAs and 401(k)s and use it to fund Social Security by destroying the market and then swooping in to buy the devalued shares.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES there has never been a period of more than a couple of years where a long term investment in the stock market on a wide scale wouldn't out perform social security and the investment in business would be a boon to the economy.

    You can look at it now and say "HEY! look at it now! But that's stupid (I noticed Dodd did that, but then, he's Stupid, and he's a liar and a crook too). If people took some of their money and put it in the market it would on average triple their retirement in 45 years. When would that be a bad idea? It would be even better because the increased capitol would bring up investment in the businesses that create jobs. That would grow money, actually increase the amount of money in the country because production would increase.

    Consider the alternative, the one we are on now. It's all going to be gone and SS insolvent in a decade or a bit more if we are lucky. Then we pay in $$, get dust farts back for our investments. What could do worse than that?

    Don't have the government claim the investment, it would be allotted to the individual as soon as it's payed in. Their own private property. If the government controlled it some communist like Obama would just come and take it and give it to some project people to buy pot and crack with, in exchange for votes.

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  • 5 years ago

    How about the democrat plan,that's lets 2 working people pay for each social security recipient.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's quite a choice. Put my money in the stock market so the wall street thieves can steal it. Or continue to let the government steal from Social Security to fund their crazy programs. I want my Social Security money back so I can put it in my mattress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican plan would have given people the option to invest in the stock market.

    YES, I would have jumped at that chance.

    And they are not entitlements. That is our money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. The stock purchases would all be politically motivated and wouldn't be the least bit economically rational. The government is doing enough of a job destroying the economy that it really doesn't need any other avenues.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government is trillions in debt the stock market is still up thousands of points since it first started.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At least only 40-50% would be gone instead of ALL of it in theory. Washington pisses it away as soon as they get it there is no SS trust fund, well there is but its all IOU's.

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